Hey, I'm Ju'Jaraw Singleton—Licensed Clinical Social Worker. I've navigated through the depths of despair, triumphing over multiple suicide attempts, enduring a challenging battle with depression and trauma. My story is one of faith and grace. I'm a passionate creative, dedicated to guiding and empowering others through speaking, community, and writing. Additionally, as an ordained minister, I find joy in serving wherever God leads me.
Meet the Founder
Ju'Jaraw Singleton

As a young girl, I always found a way to escape through creativity. I spent hours in the mirror - acting and pretending I was speaking on different platforms and shows. America’s Next Top Model was one of my favorites to practice implementing the poses taught on the show. Reading books allowed me to escape into the world of other characters. Writing provided an outlet for the issues of my heart along with the story of my struggles and triumphs to be recorded. Poetry became a canvas, making my pen a paintbrush to paint a picture in the minds of others through wordplay.
The very gifts God gave me are what helped keep me alive. Trauma, depression, and brokenness brewed a recipe leading to a battle with suicide and self-harm. For years I battled and it was a long treacherous journey to defeat the enemy of the purpose living my life could fulfill.
Through that journey, I had to learn that the enemy wasn’t myself but was indeed Satan and the workers of the Kingdom of Darkness that had made me an enemy to myself. Although they succeeded, it was as if my Father in heaven told the enemy, “She will live and not die, no matter what you try to do”.
Survivor & Overcomer
My Journey
With every suicide attempt I rose again with another chance - sometimes angry with the Father for not fulfilling my desires! Aren’t I glad that the Lord doesn’t give us what we desire when we aren’t delighting in Him because those very desires are what kill us!
After several unsuccessful attempts and blaming God without actually trying His way, I waived the white flag. All my attempts to “fix” the issue failed and I was tired of the roller coaster it had me on.
People don’t understand the torment, fights, and contemplation that come before a decision to take your life. Even though it is not yours to take to begin with. So imagine the drain it took on me each time I reconciled within myself what my decision meant - for me, the future, my parent, my friends, etc. to wake up again and again from it.
In June 2017 I told God my final attempt was to try it His way, and the next time I attempted I would make sure it was much more fatal. One opportunity was all the Father needed.
God led me out away from my family and everyone I knew, across the country, and into a city where I had nobody but Him to learn to depend on. During that time, I learned that my God is MY Father, MY Provider, MY Healer, and so much more - I could write a book to name all He is. From brief "homelessness" within the first three days of my arrival to provision through and through. I put homeless in quotations because although I had no permanent residence or knowledge of where I would stay; He made a way and gave me a roof over my head and food in my stomach. That testimony is a book in itself! I eventually went back to therapy and committed to the process. I connected with a church and began to go deeper into my faith, healing truly, as I put things into perspective naturally in therapy. I went further down this path because revelation brought healing, cleansing, and hope back. So I continued to tread the water towards the voice.
Now, by God’s grace and purposeful hand, I am a NEW PERSON. I am not the same person from before 2017. My mind is renewed, and my true identity is restored! Hope restored. Purpose revealed. Now I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Therapist, Ordained Minister, Business Owner, Speaker, Coach, author, and more.